Saturday, May 05, 2007
Leah Lail es una liberal VIP
Leah Lail esa una joven y prometedora actriz que ya cuenta en su currículum con un buen número de participaciones. Tanto en el cine, donde ha coprotagonizado películas como Little Nicky, como sobre todo en la TV, donde ha tomado parte en las mejores series de los últimos tiempos: Seinfeld, Matlock, Diagnóstico Asesinato, Boston Legal o Urgencias, entre otras. Sin embargo su papel más conocido es el de detective privado en la agencia VIP que dirige la explosiva Pamela Anderson. Leah está licenciada en ciencias políticas, y durante sus estudios disfrutó de una beca para trabajar seis meses con el partido socialdemócrata alemán, además de visitar la antigua Unión Soviética. Allí pudo conocer de primera mano el socialismo y el comunismo, y quizá por ello es una liberal convencida (en inglés "libertarian", que es lo opuesto de "liberal") y ha expresado públicamente sus ideas cuando ha sido interrogada al respecto.
Before being bitten by the acting bug, she majored in political science in college. She earned a scholarship to work for a semester with the Social Democratic Party in Bonn, Germany. And she's a libertarian.
During the 2000 election, The Los Angeles Times ran a story about what some "informed Californians" thought about the Bush-Gore presidential debates. When asked about her political philosophy, Lail responded: "Libertarian" (October 12, 2000). While the newspaper didn't give Lail a chance to elaborate, her pro-liberty beliefs may date back to a college spring break, when she visited the former Soviet Union -- and got a close-up view of totalitarianism.
Whatever the cause, Lail has retained her distrust of government. In an appearance on Politically Incorrect (May 29, 2002), she shared this opinion about government-run health care: "The answer is not having the government run anything to do with medicine. Because if you think the HMOs are bad, have the federal government take over; it's going to be HMO to the tenth power. And there's going to be a lot more committees to go to instead of just that one, and you'll be waiting longer.
Whatever the cause, Lail has retained her distrust of government. In an appearance on Politically Incorrect (May 29, 2002), she shared this opinion about government-run health care: "The answer is not having the government run anything to do with medicine. Because if you think the HMOs are bad, have the federal government take over; it's going to be HMO to the tenth power. And there's going to be a lot more committees to go to instead of just that one, and you'll be waiting longer.
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