Sunday, April 15, 2007
Más iconos contracorriente: Alice Cooper
En nuestro blog hemos sacado ya una larga lista de personajes que tiran por tierra todos los tópicos en lo que se refiere a las personas que profesan ideas orientadas a la derecha. Desde chicas Playboy a humoristas corrosivos, pasando incluso por estrellas del porno y cantantes de heavy-metal. Hoy ahondamos en esta última profesión con otro artista más que peculiar. Alice Cooper es el nombre artístico tanto de Vincent Damon Furnier como de la banda de heavy-metal que lidera y que está considerada como uno de los mayores exponentes del género desde los años 70. Cooper desarrolló un nuevo espectáculo denominado "show-rock" en la que la puesta en escena teatral ocupaba un lugar primordial, y en el que el cine de terror era el eje de todo tipo de excesos y excentricidades: serpientes, guillotinas, calaveras, animales muertos, etc. Después de una etapa salvaje en los 70 y primeros 80 en que el alcoholismo estuvo a punto de hundirlo, Alice Cooper consiguió desintoxicarse, continuar brillantemente su carrera y ampliarla a otros ámbitos como el cine, la radio, o incluso participar en musicales como Jesucristo Superestar. Y es que, contra todo pronóstico, lejos de ser satánico, Cooper es actualmente un devoto cristiano, y desde finales de los 80 ha mostrado abiertamente sus simpatías hacia la derecha, y sobre todo críticas con la arrogancia de los artistas de izquierda.
Debido a su música y al tipo de programa de radio, es criticado por muchos cristianos que piensan que Cooper es diabólico. Sin embargo Cooper es un creyente con una fe expectante y aunque no habla mucho de sus creencias en público, recientemente testificó a KNAC.COM, sus días llenos de alcohol, su fe en Dios y como está impactando a algunos rockeros quienes siguen sus pasos. [...] Refiriendose a su vida indicó que "No soy un buen cristiano. Nadie es un 'buen' cristiano. Esto no es lo que importa. Ser cristiano no significa que debamos ser buenos, significa que tenemos un camino muy duro por al cual debemos seguir"En relación al aparente conflicto que algunos ven entre la combinación de su fe en Dios y el medio en el que se mueve manifestó no percibir dicho conflicto. "Soy el primero que puede gritar en el mundo del rock lo que quiero, pero cuando llegamos a la fe y en lo que creo, soy el primero en defenderla. Tengo serios problemas con esos cristianos que piensan que para ser cristiano debes permanecer 24 horas arrodillados y escondido en la oscuridad de algún armario. Puede ser que hayan personas que vivan así, pero no creo que esa se la forma que Dios quiere que vivamos".
No more Mr. Nice Guy: Alice Cooper, a shock rocker back in the old days and now a fan of President Bush, says rock stars who've jumped on the John Kerry bandwagon -- Sheryl Crow, Dave Matthews, James Taylor and Bruce Springsteen among them -- are treasonous morons.
"To me, that's treason. I call it treason against rock-and-roll, because rock is the antithesis of politics. Rock should never be in bed with politics," the 56-year-old told the Canadian Press news service as he embarked last week on a 15-city Canadian tour.
Never one to avoid self-examination, Alice (aka Vincent Damon Furnier) added: "If you're listening to a rock star in order to get your information on who to vote for, you're a bigger moron than they are. Why are we rock stars? Because we're morons. We sleep all day, we play music at night and very rarely do we sit around reading the Washington Journal." (We think he meant watching C-SPAN's "Washington Journal," or maybe he meant perusing the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal, but either way you get the idea.) "Besides, when I read the list of people who are supporting Kerry, if I wasn't already a Bush supporter, I would have immediately switched. Linda Ronstadt? Don Henley? Geez, that's a good reason right there to vote for Bush."
ANDREW DENTON: A lot of people in rock and roll, it's very fashionable to despise George W. Bush. That's not a view you subscribe to, is it?
ALICE COOPER: Well, I think if you're in a war, you don't want a poodle in there, you want a pit bull. I don't think that you want a guy in there going, "Gee, I don't know. Maybe. Could be." I think you want a guy in there who's either going to win it or lose it.
ANDREW DENTON: Are you referring to Iraq or the broader war against al-Qaeda?
ALICE COOPER: I just think that that war's going to go on for a long time, whoever is the President. If it would have been Kerry, he would have been just as knee deep in it. I don't think Bush got us into that war. I think that started 9/11 and I think somebody had to take it from there.
ANDREW DENTON: I think a lot of people are surprised to learn that you're a Christian, they're surprised to learn you vote George W. Bush, but they're absolutely shocked to discover you're a keen golfer.
ALICE COOPER: That's the biggest shocker, I think. And that I'm a pretty good cook.
Debido a su música y al tipo de programa de radio, es criticado por muchos cristianos que piensan que Cooper es diabólico. Sin embargo Cooper es un creyente con una fe expectante y aunque no habla mucho de sus creencias en público, recientemente testificó a KNAC.COM, sus días llenos de alcohol, su fe en Dios y como está impactando a algunos rockeros quienes siguen sus pasos. [...] Refiriendose a su vida indicó que "No soy un buen cristiano. Nadie es un 'buen' cristiano. Esto no es lo que importa. Ser cristiano no significa que debamos ser buenos, significa que tenemos un camino muy duro por al cual debemos seguir"En relación al aparente conflicto que algunos ven entre la combinación de su fe en Dios y el medio en el que se mueve manifestó no percibir dicho conflicto. "Soy el primero que puede gritar en el mundo del rock lo que quiero, pero cuando llegamos a la fe y en lo que creo, soy el primero en defenderla. Tengo serios problemas con esos cristianos que piensan que para ser cristiano debes permanecer 24 horas arrodillados y escondido en la oscuridad de algún armario. Puede ser que hayan personas que vivan así, pero no creo que esa se la forma que Dios quiere que vivamos".
No more Mr. Nice Guy: Alice Cooper, a shock rocker back in the old days and now a fan of President Bush, says rock stars who've jumped on the John Kerry bandwagon -- Sheryl Crow, Dave Matthews, James Taylor and Bruce Springsteen among them -- are treasonous morons.
"To me, that's treason. I call it treason against rock-and-roll, because rock is the antithesis of politics. Rock should never be in bed with politics," the 56-year-old told the Canadian Press news service as he embarked last week on a 15-city Canadian tour.
Never one to avoid self-examination, Alice (aka Vincent Damon Furnier) added: "If you're listening to a rock star in order to get your information on who to vote for, you're a bigger moron than they are. Why are we rock stars? Because we're morons. We sleep all day, we play music at night and very rarely do we sit around reading the Washington Journal." (We think he meant watching C-SPAN's "Washington Journal," or maybe he meant perusing the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal, but either way you get the idea.) "Besides, when I read the list of people who are supporting Kerry, if I wasn't already a Bush supporter, I would have immediately switched. Linda Ronstadt? Don Henley? Geez, that's a good reason right there to vote for Bush."
ANDREW DENTON: A lot of people in rock and roll, it's very fashionable to despise George W. Bush. That's not a view you subscribe to, is it?
ALICE COOPER: Well, I think if you're in a war, you don't want a poodle in there, you want a pit bull. I don't think that you want a guy in there going, "Gee, I don't know. Maybe. Could be." I think you want a guy in there who's either going to win it or lose it.
ANDREW DENTON: Are you referring to Iraq or the broader war against al-Qaeda?
ALICE COOPER: I just think that that war's going to go on for a long time, whoever is the President. If it would have been Kerry, he would have been just as knee deep in it. I don't think Bush got us into that war. I think that started 9/11 and I think somebody had to take it from there.
ANDREW DENTON: I think a lot of people are surprised to learn that you're a Christian, they're surprised to learn you vote George W. Bush, but they're absolutely shocked to discover you're a keen golfer.
ALICE COOPER: That's the biggest shocker, I think. And that I'm a pretty good cook.