Wednesday, December 20, 2006
John Rhys-Davies: Gimli es un "tory"
John Rhys-Davies es uno de esos grandes actores especializados en papeles secundarios, cuyo rostro todos conocemos aunque no sepamos ponerle nombre. Este galés de nacimiento ha participado en multitud de películas y series de TV, básicamente del género fantástico y de aventuras, desde sus comienzos en "Yo, Claudio" a "Star Trek Voyager", pasando por "El mundo perdido" o "007: Alta Tensión". Sin embargo, es especialmente conocido por su participación en dos de las trilogías más taquilleras de la historia del cine: Indiana Jones y El Señor de Los Anillos, donde, bajo toneladas de maquillaje, daba vida al enano Gimli. Rhys-Davies fue un izquierdista en su juventud hasta que conoció a una diputada llamada Margaret Thatcher. En la actualidad, pertenece al partido conservador británico, y actúa de modo consecuente. Sus declaraciones en defensa de la civilización occidental, bien distanciadas de la "alianza de civilizaciones", le convirtieron en blanco de los ataques de los islamistas radicales.
Rhys-Davies is a member of the UK Conservative Party. As a university student in the 1960s, he was a radical leftist, but he started to change his views when he went to heckle a young local member of parliament, Margaret Thatcher. Rhys-Davies says that "she shot down the first two hecklers in such brilliant fashion that I decided I ought for once to shut up and listen."
In 2004, Rhys-Davies faced harsh criticism because of magazine interview in which he compared the theme of The Lord of the Rings with the current situation of Western Europe, whose culture he described as being diminished by Islam, a comparison seen by critics as racist. His comments were enthusiastically endorsed by the British National Party [1], although Rhys-Davies declared that it was "distressing to find yourself on a BNP leaflet." [2]
“I think that Tolkien says that some generations will be challenged, and if they do not rise to meet that challenge, they will lose their civilization. That does have a real resonance with me.”
“What is unconscionable is that too many of your fellow journalists do not understand how precarious Western civilization is, and what a jewel it is… The abolition of slavery comes from Western democracy. True democracy comes from our Greco-Judeo-Christian Western experience. If we lose these things, then this is a catastrophe for the world.”
( "Muslim advocacy groups in the West are making skillful use of the race card against anyone who points out uncomfortable truths. One of the most recent targets of this is John Rhys-Davies, the Welsh actor who plays Gimli the dwarf in the Lord of the Rings movies..."