Sunday, December 31, 2006
El teniente McLane es duro de matar
De entro los nombres de actores que tradicionalmente se han manifestado contra corriente en materia de política, Bruce Willis es uno de los más conocidos. Este hiperactivo y camaleónico intérprete saltó al estrellato cuando ya no era ningún chaval, en una de sus últimas oportunidades. Fue en la famosa serie de TV “Luz de Luna”, al lado de Cybill Shepherd, donde daba vida a una detective bastante caradura y cargado de ironía. De ahí, Blake Edwards se fijó en él para acompañar a Kim Bassinger en “Cita a ciegas”. Y un golpe de fortuna hizo que John MacTiernan lo eligiese para un papel que en principio estaba pensado para Richard Gere: “La jungla de cristal” (Die Hard). Las personales connotaciones que Willis dio al personaje lo convirtieron en estrella de primera fila en Hollywood, y desde entonces no se ha bajado del tren a lo largo de casi 50 películas. En el aspecto político Bruce Willis ha mostrado siempre un perfil independiente de corte más bien liberal, pero apoyando en todas las elecciones al partido republicano de los EEUU, y mostrándose muy crítico con la burocracia creada por el partido demócrata. Nacido en una base militar en Alemania, Willis siempre ha elogiado de modo entusiasta la labor de los soldados norteamericanos en el exterior, e incluso se llegó a ofrecer voluntario para colaborar en la invasión de Irak. Pronto encarnará al teniente John McLane por cuarta ocasión.
"I'm a Republican only as far as I want a smaller government. I want less government intrusion. I want them to stop pissing on my money and your money - the tax dollars that we give fifty or forty per cent of every year, and I want them to be fiscally responsible, and I want those goddam lobbyists out of Washington. Do that and I'll say I'm a Republican. But other than that, I want the government to take care of people who need help - like the kids in foster care, the half million kids in orphanages right now ... I want them to take care of the elderly and give them free medicine, give them whatever they need. There's tons, billions and billions of dollars, that are just being wasted. Okay? I hate government. I'm apolitical."
"I'm a Republican only as far as I want a smaller government. I want less government intrusion. I want them to stop pissing on my money and your money - the tax dollars that we give fifty or forty per cent of every year, and I want them to be fiscally responsible, and I want those goddam lobbyists out of Washington. Do that and I'll say I'm a Republican. But other than that, I want the government to take care of people who need help - like the kids in foster care, the half million kids in orphanages right now ... I want them to take care of the elderly and give them free medicine, give them whatever they need. There's tons, billions and billions of dollars, that are just being wasted. Okay? I hate government. I'm apolitical."
"Peculiar thing back home is that the liberal media was trying to portray it as a bad war. But being over here just a couple of days, seeing how well our troops and the allied troops are being received here, I think the Iraqi people are happy we're here."
"The movie is about these guys who do what they are asked for very little money to defend and fight for what they consider to be freedom." - On his planned film about the Iraq war
"I thought about signing up but my friends told me I was too old. I called the White House, called President Bush and asked what I could do. So I got involved with the national foster care programme."
"I thought about signing up but my friends told me I was too old. I called the White House, called President Bush and asked what I could do. So I got involved with the national foster care programme."
Willis was one of few Hollywood celebrities to publicly support the Iraq War in 2003. He has endorsed every Republican presidential candidate except Bob Dole in 1996, because Dole had criticized Demi Moore for her role in the movie Striptease.
"If you guys vote for Al Gore, you're out of your minds… Gore's a knucklehead… just the lying and mendacity of the last eight years of the regime that Al Gore was a part and parcel of… I mean, there is only so much lying the American people will take before they go, 'Uh, this doesn't seem like a good idea.' You have to look at what he does and what he stands for."
Now you know why the Left hates Bruce Willis?
Y aquí visitando la Casa Blanca como portavoz de un programa de ayuda infantil.
"If you guys vote for Al Gore, you're out of your minds… Gore's a knucklehead… just the lying and mendacity of the last eight years of the regime that Al Gore was a part and parcel of… I mean, there is only so much lying the American people will take before they go, 'Uh, this doesn't seem like a good idea.' You have to look at what he does and what he stands for."
Now you know why the Left hates Bruce Willis?
Y aquí visitando la Casa Blanca como portavoz de un programa de ayuda infantil.