Thursday, October 26, 2006

James Woods sabe mucho

Seguimos nuestra lista y ahora le toca a un peso pesado del cine norteamericano. James Woods es conocido sobre todo por sus papeles secundarios en grandes producciones como Tal como éramos, Érase una vez en América, Casino, Nixon, o Contacto, aunque también ha realizado papeles protagonistas. Woods se sale del estereotipo de la mayor parte de actores en muchos aspectos: estudió ciencias políticas, fue un magnífico estudiante con un coeficiente intelectual de superdotado, y muestra unas opiniones absolutamente independientes e iconoclastas con respecto a sus compañeros de profesión. Sin pertenecer al Partido Republicano, ha apoyado de manera entusiasta a George W. Bush, y exhibe una dialéctica envidiable para desmontar todos y cada uno de los argumentos de la izquierda. La entrevista cuyo enlace mostramos es realmente imperdible y memorable.

Woods then chose to pursue his undergraduate studies at
MIT, where he majored in political science (though he originally planned on a career as a surgeon), but dropped out in 1969 just before his graduation in order to pursue a career in acting. Woods headed to New York City, calling his mother to tell her of his plans.
While his mother wasn't thrilled at the news, she gave him her blessing to pursue a career in acting. At the 2006 CBS UpFront James Woods told the audience that his mother told him that if he was going to switch careers to acting that he be the best actor he could possibly be. Before this transition to acting, however, he was considered a brilliant student and had been permitted to enroll in a
linear algebra course at UCLA while still in high school. He scored a perfect 800 on the verbal SAT and 779 on the math portion. Woods is believed to have an IQ of 180 based on the Stanford-Binet IQ test
Woods has been a vocal supporter of U.S. President George W. Bush and former Mayor of New York Rudy Giuliani. Woods lobbied hard to play Giuliani in the biopic Rudy!, and considers the role one of the favorites of his career.
“Simple logic tells you that if somebody wants you dead you have one course of action: To get them deader sooner.” He approvingly proposed that “if this had happened to the Russians, about three major cities in the Middle East would have been parking lots in twenty minutes."
"Now, of course, I think the President is doing an extraordinary job. It’s a good thing I’m not President because I would have just [motioned hand to press a button launching missiles] launched. Okay, I’m sorry, I just would have. But our President and I just, I love George Bush right now and I always have. I’m the only guy in LA who voted for him [audience applauded]. And I have to tell you the way he’s handling it is very deliberate, very careful and so on and doing the right thing.""If they harbor terrorists, we should wipe them off the face of the Earth. Eventually, one of these terrorist diaper-heads is going to come around and do something more horrible."
Esta entrevista es demasiado larga como para reproducirla entera y no creo que sea conveniente destacar un párrafo en concreto, porque todos son igualmente brillantes. En ella, la típica periodista progre desvía el asunto (que debería ser la última película de Woods) para atacarlo por haber apoyado públicamente a Bush. En lugar de rehuír el tema o amilanarse, el actor contesta a cada una de sus preguntas de manera incisiva y dejándola a la altura del betún. De verad, nos os la perdais.

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