Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Tom Selleck es Magnum

De entre los actores estadounidenses que desde siempre ha mostrado en público sus ideas políticas contrarias a la corriente dominante, Tom Selleck ocupa la primera fila. Selleck saltó al estrellato desde la TV, donde protagonizó durante años la serie “Magnum, P.I.”, un detective “sex-symbol” y socarrón que vivía en la lujosa finca de un millonario en Hawaii. De ahí saltó al cine con títulos como “Runaway” o “Tres solteros y un biberón”, y solo una incompatibilidad de agendas le impidió ser Indiana Jones, pues el personaje estaba pensado para él. Más tarde se centró en su familia, pero también ha seguido haciendo grandes papeles en la comedia “In & Out” (donde parodia los falsos rumores sobre su homosexualidad) o en la biografía de Eisenhower “Ike”, además de participar en la famosa serie "Friends". Tom Selleck es un hombre de ideas liberales que apoya de forma independiente al partido republicano, y que pertenece a la NRA (Asociación Nacional del Rifle) y al club republicano del Wednesday Morning Club.

KING: Because you have supported George W. Bush and Bill Bradley.
SELLECK: I did, I guess, didn't I?
KING: Tom Selleck is our guest. He had an on-the-air run-in with Rosie O'Donnell last year. He had gone on her talk show to talk about a new movie with the massacre at Columbine still on many peoples' minds, Rosie slammed him as a spokesman for the NRA
SELLECK: Well, I told her what I thought. I know Rosie works with kids. I work with kids. Regardless of how she feels about gun control, or how I do -- and she mischaracterized my beliefs -- you know, we have a climate that is disturbing to most Americans. And the question we ought to be asking ourselves, in addition to however we feel about guns is, guns were available virtually without restriction a generation or two ago. And we didn't have this kind of culture.


Tom was a member of the California National Guard and was activated for the Watts riots. Tom is a member of the NRA and has appeared in ads supporting the NRA. Tom received an Emmy for his role as Magnum P.I. Tom is a registered independent.

Tom Selleck is a member of the Republican Wednesday Morning Club.

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