Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Gary Sinise: el teniente Dan ayuda en Irak

Gary Sinise es uno de los mejores actores del Hollywood actual. Su currículum muestra que ha participado en muchas de las mayores producciones de la última década. Desde su inolvidable papel del tullido teniente Dan en Forrest Gump a la Milla Verde, pasando por Rescate, Snake Eyes, Apollo 13, o Misión a Marte. Actualmente es una de las estrellas de la serie televisiva CSI Nueva York. Sinise se ha distinguido por manifestar públicamente sus ideas políticas conservadoras, y muy especialmente por su apoyo a los soldados estadounidenses, a los veteranos de guerra, y a la reconstrucción de Irak. De hecho, ha puesto en marcha un programa de ayuda a los niños iraquíes y ha visitado en repetidas ocasiones el país.

He is one of the few outspoken conservatives in Hollywood.


En estos enlaces, visitando al presidente Bush en la Casa Blanca.


The "CSI: NY" star may need some of them to come to L.A. on Jan. 14 to fill Mann's Chinese Theatre, where the "Forrest Gump" Oscar nominee will discuss his visits to Iraq, his support for U.S. troops there, and Operation Iraqi Children, the charity he founded to bring school supplies to the war zone.

During that trip, Sinise visited a school about 40 miles north of Baghdad that had been rebuilt by the Coalition. "The U. S. troops had built a floor and windows for a school that originally had nothing, and in a school where three or four kids share a pencil," Sinise said about what he saw that day. "What I saw was wonderful-the interaction between the Iraqi kids and soldiers had a beautiful spirit."
The country needs education. There are some very smart people in this country, but mostly the population is uneducated and uninformed. The Americans are helping Iraqis change that and that is good."
"Our original intention was not to raise money, but to involve the American people and show positive support for American troops," Sinise explained. "When the kits are sent over to the troops, many have included letters to the troops saying thank you and showing support. It's important that it comes right from the American people."


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