Saturday, January 19, 2008
Las sorpresas no terminan: Vinnie Jones
Un personaje en el más amplio sentido de la palabra. Vincent Peter Jones nació en Watford (Gales) en 1965. Curiosamente sus primeros pasos profesionales en el fútbol los dio dentro de un equipo de la segunda división sueca, hasta que en 1986 el Wimbledon le ofreció debutar en la Premier League. Allí se convirtió en uno de los baluartes de la "crazy gang", una peculiar forma de entender el deporte que llevó al equipo londinense a hacerse con la copa inglesa. Más tarde, Jones jugaría para el Leeds, el Sheffield y el Chelsea, dejando en todos ellos su particular estilo, dominado por su imagen racial y varonil, tachada en muchas ocasiones de violenta. Con grandes dotes para el espectáculo, Vinnie ha participado en veladas de lucha libre, videoclips, y hasta ha grabado un disco de blues. Pero las verdadera sorpresa para propios y extraños llegó en 1998 cuando coprotagonizó "Lock & Stock", de Guy Ritchie, y convenció a los críticos más escépticos con su interpretación. Seguirían multitud de títulos como "Snatch, cerdos y diamantes", "Operación Swordfish" o "X-Men 3", donde Jones se vería las caras con actores de la talla de Brad Pitt, John Travolta, Halle Berry o Gabriel Byrne. Consagrado ya como un icono del "tipo duro" y como una estrella internacional, Vinnie Jones ha mostrado públicamente su interés en involucrarse en la política desde las filas del partido conservador británico.
Now Jones has decided his future is in politics - and he wants to be a Conservative MP.
"I'm a Conservative and have given money to the party," he says.
"I've thought of standing for Parliament - and I still might if I thought people would listen, because I talk for the ordinary working classes, not the toffs," adds Jones, who lives in Hollywood and hangs around with Madonna.
"I get on with the boys at the pub but I can also mix with Prince Andrew. I understand both levels.
"The toffs haven't lived in council estates, they've just known big mansions. How can they understand how the postman feels? I would never say no to becoming an MP."
"I'm a Conservative and have given money to the party," he says.
"I've thought of standing for Parliament - and I still might if I thought people would listen, because I talk for the ordinary working classes, not the toffs," adds Jones, who lives in Hollywood and hangs around with Madonna.
"I get on with the boys at the pub but I can also mix with Prince Andrew. I understand both levels.
"The toffs haven't lived in council estates, they've just known big mansions. How can they understand how the postman feels? I would never say no to becoming an MP."
Hollywood hardman VINNIE JONES is considering a move into the world of politics - but only if he's sure he can "make a big difference" to the British way of life.
The former soccer star has recently donated a bundle of money to Britain's CONSERVATIVE Party, because he supports their positive approach to countryside issues.
The GONE IN 60 SECONDS actor says, "I would get into politics if I felt it could make a big difference. I have just started giving money to the Conservatives because they care about the countryside and are better than the other lot." former soccer star has recently donated a bundle of money to Britain's CONSERVATIVE Party, because he supports their positive approach to countryside issues.
The GONE IN 60 SECONDS actor says, "I would get into politics if I felt it could make a big difference. I have just started giving money to the Conservatives because they care about the countryside and are better than the other lot."