Saturday, January 19, 2008
Las sorpresas no terminan: Vinnie Jones
Un personaje en el más amplio sentido de la palabra. Vincent Peter Jones nació en Watford (Gales) en 1965. Curiosamente sus primeros pasos profesionales en el fútbol los dio dentro de un equipo de la segunda división sueca, hasta que en 1986 el Wimbledon le ofreció debutar en la Premier League. Allí se convirtió en uno de los baluartes de la "crazy gang", una peculiar forma de entender el deporte que llevó al equipo londinense a hacerse con la copa inglesa. Más tarde, Jones jugaría para el Leeds, el Sheffield y el Chelsea, dejando en todos ellos su particular estilo, dominado por su imagen racial y varonil, tachada en muchas ocasiones de violenta. Con grandes dotes para el espectáculo, Vinnie ha participado en veladas de lucha libre, videoclips, y hasta ha grabado un disco de blues. Pero las verdadera sorpresa para propios y extraños llegó en 1998 cuando coprotagonizó "Lock & Stock", de Guy Ritchie, y convenció a los críticos más escépticos con su interpretación. Seguirían multitud de títulos como "Snatch, cerdos y diamantes", "Operación Swordfish" o "X-Men 3", donde Jones se vería las caras con actores de la talla de Brad Pitt, John Travolta, Halle Berry o Gabriel Byrne. Consagrado ya como un icono del "tipo duro" y como una estrella internacional, Vinnie Jones ha mostrado públicamente su interés en involucrarse en la política desde las filas del partido conservador británico.
Now Jones has decided his future is in politics - and he wants to be a Conservative MP.
"I'm a Conservative and have given money to the party," he says.
"I've thought of standing for Parliament - and I still might if I thought people would listen, because I talk for the ordinary working classes, not the toffs," adds Jones, who lives in Hollywood and hangs around with Madonna.
"I get on with the boys at the pub but I can also mix with Prince Andrew. I understand both levels.
"The toffs haven't lived in council estates, they've just known big mansions. How can they understand how the postman feels? I would never say no to becoming an MP."
"I'm a Conservative and have given money to the party," he says.
"I've thought of standing for Parliament - and I still might if I thought people would listen, because I talk for the ordinary working classes, not the toffs," adds Jones, who lives in Hollywood and hangs around with Madonna.
"I get on with the boys at the pub but I can also mix with Prince Andrew. I understand both levels.
"The toffs haven't lived in council estates, they've just known big mansions. How can they understand how the postman feels? I would never say no to becoming an MP."
Hollywood hardman VINNIE JONES is considering a move into the world of politics - but only if he's sure he can "make a big difference" to the British way of life.
The former soccer star has recently donated a bundle of money to Britain's CONSERVATIVE Party, because he supports their positive approach to countryside issues.
The GONE IN 60 SECONDS actor says, "I would get into politics if I felt it could make a big difference. I have just started giving money to the Conservatives because they care about the countryside and are better than the other lot." former soccer star has recently donated a bundle of money to Britain's CONSERVATIVE Party, because he supports their positive approach to countryside issues.
The GONE IN 60 SECONDS actor says, "I would get into politics if I felt it could make a big difference. I have just started giving money to the Conservatives because they care about the countryside and are better than the other lot."
Los caballeros prefieren a Jane Russell
Un pequeño guiño a la historia del cine siguiendo el caso de una mujer que, aunque hace tiempo que abandonó los escenarios, sigue felizmente entre nostros. Ernestine Jane Geraldine Russell nació en Minnesota en 1921, y desde joven recibió clases de piano e interpretación. Luego de una breve etapa como modelo, en 1940 el mítico Howard Hughes apostó por ella con un contrato de 7 años que le serviría para debutar con "El forajido". El ascenso de Jane, una mujer de fuerte carácter y físico rompedor, fue fulgurante, y rápidamente se convirtió en el principal sex-symbol para los soldados que servían en la segunda guerra mundial. En 1953 le llegó su intervención más renombrada al lado de Marylin Monroe en "Los caballeros las prefieren rubias", que tendría su secuela en "Pero acaban casándose con las morenas". Robert Mitchum, Groucho Marx, Clark Gable, Victor Mature, Vicent Price o Frank Sinatra fueron algunas de sus parejas cinematográficas en aquellos exitosos años 50 y 60. Mujer de ideas conservadoras, Jane Russell ha estado, desde su juventud hasta la actualidad, implicada en la causa del partido republicano.
At the height of her career, Russell started the "Hollywood Christian Group," a weekly Bible study at her home for Christians in the movie business that was attended by some of the biggest names.[2] Russell was a prominent Republican who attended the Eisenhower inauguration, along with Lou Costello, Dick Powell, June Allyson, Anita Louise, Louella Parsons, and other Republicans.
We took Leah to a screening of “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes” this weekend at the Cinematheque which was followed by an in-person discussion with actress and former bombshell Jane Russell. Did you know that unlike today, many of the biggest stars in Hollywood in the 1950s were staunch Republicans? Jane Russell was right up there with Ronald Reagan, John Wayne, Lou Costello, June Allyson, Dick Powell, and Jimmy Stewart. During a speech in 2003, she announced that “these days I am a teetotaling, mean-spirited, right-wing, narrow-minded conservative Christian bigot, but not a racist.” what she thinks of Hollywood liberals George Clooney, Susan Sarandon and Sean Penn: "I think they're not well."
Asked why modern Hollywood is so liberal: "I think the Sixties have happened between when I was there and now. A lot of the actors and actresses, their parents were Sixties people and they just have a Democratic left wing - they flipped."
"I have always been a Republican, and when I was in Hollywood long ago, most of the people there were Republican. The studio heads were all Republican, my boss Howard Hughes was a raving Republican, and we had a motion picture code in those days so they couldn't do all this naughty stuff. We had John Wayne, we had Charlton Heston, we had man named Ronald Reagan, we had Robert Mitchum, James Stewart, Clark Gable." why modern Hollywood is so liberal: "I think the Sixties have happened between when I was there and now. A lot of the actors and actresses, their parents were Sixties people and they just have a Democratic left wing - they flipped."
"I have always been a Republican, and when I was in Hollywood long ago, most of the people there were Republican. The studio heads were all Republican, my boss Howard Hughes was a raving Republican, and we had a motion picture code in those days so they couldn't do all this naughty stuff. We had John Wayne, we had Charlton Heston, we had man named Ronald Reagan, we had Robert Mitchum, James Stewart, Clark Gable."
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Gica Craioveanu, popular en Getafe
Al igual que en San Sebastián, en Villareal, y en todos los lugares por los que ha pasado, aunque ha sido en la localidad madrileña donde se ha retirado y establecido su vida. Este excepcional futbolista rumano, nacido en 1968 y dotado de uno de los mejores golpeos de balón del continente, se consagró en su país jugando en las filas del Universidad de Cracovia. Corría el año 1995 cuando la Real Sociedad se fijó en las cualidades de este internacional para reforzar sus filas, y así triunfó en las 3 temporadas que pasó en el equipo vasco. A continuación pasó a convertirse en una pieza fundamental para la consagración del Villareal en la primera división (4 temporadas) y finalmente puso un brillante colofón a su carrera llevando al Getafe a la élite del fútbol español. La gente que lo conoce destaca unánimemente que a sus innegables cualidades deportivas suma una afabilidad y una calidad humana que le han granjeado el apoyo de todas las aficiones que han podido disfrutar de su presencia. Pero además Gica es popular en un doble sentido, pues en las pasadas elecciones municipales concurrió en el nº 2 de la lista del PP en su localidad, resultando elegido concejal.
Gica Craioveanu será el número 2 de la candidatura del Partido Popular (PP) de Getafe que concurrirá a las próximas elecciones municipales, según informaron este martes fuentes de dicha formación política. El candidato a la alcaldía y portavoz del PP en Getafe, José Luis Moreno, confirmó "su inclusión en la lista en un puesto destacado, y casi seguro será el número 2". El ex futbolista, entre otros de la Real Sociedad, el Villarreal y el Getafe, será el responsable del área deportiva del PP del municipio del sur de la Comunidad de Madrid.
Aunque las conversaciones habían empezado hace un año, José Luis Moreno ha esperado hasta el último minuto para hacer pública la incorporación de Gica Craioveanu a la lista del Partido Popular en Getafe. Gica, un ídolo para el fútbol de la localidad, irrumpe así con fuerza en la precampaña electoral, en un golpe de efecto del aspirante a alcalde popular.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Donna D'errico quiere salvar a Ron Paul
Otro curioso descubrimiento para engrosar la lista de playmates y sex-symbols situadas hacia el centro-derecha. Donna D'errico se hizo famosa al convertirse en la "conejita" del mes de septiembre de 1995 en la revista Playboy (+18), pero fue su participación en "Los vigilantes de la playa" la que le sirvió para convertirse en una de las mujeres más desadas de Norte América. Desde entonces también ha protagonizado películas como "Candyman: day of the dead" o "Austin Powers". En las actuales primarias que se están desarrollando en los EEUU Donna ha apoyado públicamente al congresista Ron Paul, un liberal clásico que pertenece al partido republicano, y que aunque está por detrás en las encuestas es el número 1 en la red.
...But there is only one candidate for president who is right on all those issues. He stands for the Constitution. He stands for personal liberty, as granted us by our Creator. He wants sound money and a humble foreign policy. He wants fair trade instead of managed trade for the benefit of insiders. He wants a small, fiscally responsible government. He wants to get the government out of manipulating your health care. And he supports your right to bear arms. He has been referred to as the founding father of our time. And, John McCain once said -- before he vied for president -- that this man is the most honest man in Washington. The man I am speaking of is Ron Paul. If you want your country back then vote for Ron Paul for president. And let freedom ring, as it did in 1787. Please visit to read more about the man who is America's only hope, and who is my hero.
Friday, January 04, 2008
En pie, por favor: Ernst Borgnine
Un honor dedicar el post de hoy a este personaje. Ermes Effron Borgnino nació en Connecticut en 1917, hijo de emigrantes italianos. Después de servir en el ejército durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial empezó a dedicarse al mundo de la interpretación dando sus primeros pasos en el teatro, hasta que en 1951 "De aquí a la eternidad" le dio su primera oportunidad en Hollywood. Desde entonces su carrera no sólo ha sido espectacularmente fecunda sino también reconocida, haciéndose con un óscar por su papel de "Marty" en 1955. Hacer un listado exhaustivo de la multitud de películas y series de TV en que ha participado, y dejado su entrañable impronta sería imposible: "Johnny Guitar", "Demetrio el gladiador", "Veracruz", "Los vikingos", "Barrabás", "Doce del patíbulo", "Grupo salvaje", "La aventura del Poseidón", "Domingo sangriento", "Jesús de Nazaret", "Convoy", "Airwolf", "Gattaca", "Mascarada"... ¡y sigue en activo! Como ya os habreis imaginado, Ernst Borgnine es un hombre de centro-derecha que ha apoyado en varias ocasiones al partido republicano de los EEUU.
But there's a new GI Film Festival coming to Washington, DC.
It'll be held in the Ronald Reagan Bldg. and environs in the city Memorial Day Weekend. Gary Sinise, Chuck Norris and Pat Boone will be there.
And John Milius, Ron Maxwell, Ernest Borgnine. Pretty conservative bunch. [...]
"The mission of the GI Film Festival is simple - to celebrate the successes and sacrifices of the American Armed Forces through the medium of film," said GI Film Festival President Brandon Millett. "From the American Revolution through the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, our men and women in uniform have given life and limb in defense of freedom. They deserve our respect and our undying gratitude. And that is exactly what we plan to show them this Memorial Day weekend."
The GI Film Festival's Hollywood Advisory Committee includes Academy Award winning Actor Ernest Borgnine (From Here to Eternity, McHale's Navy), Actor Chuck Norris (Delta Force, Missing in Action), Academy Award nominated Director John Milius (Apocalypse Now, Red Dawn), Director/Screenwriter Ron Maxwell (Gettysburg, Gods and Generals), Director John Dahl (The Great Raid), Executive Producer Lou Reda (Vietnam: Homecoming) and Dr. Ted Baehr, publisher of Movieguide.
It'll be held in the Ronald Reagan Bldg. and environs in the city Memorial Day Weekend. Gary Sinise, Chuck Norris and Pat Boone will be there.
And John Milius, Ron Maxwell, Ernest Borgnine. Pretty conservative bunch. [...]
"The mission of the GI Film Festival is simple - to celebrate the successes and sacrifices of the American Armed Forces through the medium of film," said GI Film Festival President Brandon Millett. "From the American Revolution through the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, our men and women in uniform have given life and limb in defense of freedom. They deserve our respect and our undying gratitude. And that is exactly what we plan to show them this Memorial Day weekend."
The GI Film Festival's Hollywood Advisory Committee includes Academy Award winning Actor Ernest Borgnine (From Here to Eternity, McHale's Navy), Actor Chuck Norris (Delta Force, Missing in Action), Academy Award nominated Director John Milius (Apocalypse Now, Red Dawn), Director/Screenwriter Ron Maxwell (Gettysburg, Gods and Generals), Director John Dahl (The Great Raid), Executive Producer Lou Reda (Vietnam: Homecoming) and Dr. Ted Baehr, publisher of Movieguide.
Aquí sus donaciones para la campaña del 2004.